OUCH!! Well it appears that "Murphy" has once again left Rhode Island and returned to the LAKE - - - See recent "Safe Sea" Fleet Manager Andy Casey's recent post on his blog "The Drive Train" Preventative Maintenance Strikes Again! I had just read this most informative post last week and I suspected we might have a similar problem on the "Point Young", as after about a 1000 hours of listening to the Yanmar Diesel, I had started hearing a faint "tick" coming from the engine room. Earlier inspections revealed no obvious problems, but upon returning to port from Sunday's cruise - - - The black exhaust carbon build-up around the exhaust manifold and valve cover of the Point Young's Main Engine became VERY apparent!! Thanks to ANDY and the guys at Safe Sea, after some phone consultation, we should be well on the way to making the repairs once we get the parts. Looks like the Point Young will be out of service for awhile - - On both the long shot and detail, you can see the exhaust carbon showing up between the Exhaust manifold and the rocker cover, the color goes from gray forward to BLACK - - -
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