As you may or may not know, USCG Licensed Assistance Towing providers are regulated and MUST meet certain standards, not the least of which is being enrolled in a USCG approved and regulated Random Drug Screen program. Myself and all the captains and crewmen who operate for Lake Tow LLC / TOWBOATU.S. Lake of the Ozarks are members of the "Maritime Consortium", this national consortium handles all the reporting and USCG compliance paperwork for us for an annual fee, which includes notification that you have been selected to take a random drug screen test and must report to your regulated and approved "collection" site to provide a sample - no excuses, no waivers, NO BULL - -. You have 1 business day to report with your notification paperwork and chain of custody to the collection site, empty your pockets, remove your hat and so forth and provide a sample which is then forwarded to the MRO for testing. I currently have 5 members including myself enrolled under Lake Tow and late Monday afternoon, myself and another of my captains received a "Greetings" Please pass GO and WE'RE gonna collect something besides the $200 - -!! So bright and early on Tuesday morning, we made the short trip to our "collection" site and submitted the "sample" - - . Pretty painless and I believe in this day and age it is a necessary thing!
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